1-800-377-1984 zarnas.info@gczarnas.com


Waterproofing crop

Our waterproofing coating applications will reduce tens of thousands of dollars in structural damage, lower your maintenance costs and provide years of security to your structures.

From waterproofing terraces at the University of Illinois to providing membrane waterproofing, seamless flooring and cementitious finish at the The Corbalis Water Treatment Plant, a state-of-the art water treatment facility which provides potable water to nearly 1.5 million people in northern Virginia, G.C. Zarnas is the contractor of choice for small and large projects.

Water can cause untold amounts of damage to your facility, requiring extensive and expensive repair. We offer commercial and industrial grade waterproofing systems to facilities that require moisture protection applications.

Solutions include:

  • Bentonite waterproofing
  • Cementitious waterproofing
  • Dampproofing
  • Joint sealants
  • Pedestrian deck coatings
  • Sheet membrane waterproofing
  • Spray-applied waterproofing
  • Vehicle traffic coatings

“G.C. Zarnas was recently awarded the Hunterstown and Cumberland North, South Wastewater Treatment Plants. We had a tight deadline on this particular project and Zarnas was able to work under these constraints without sacrificing quality and safety.”
